Rural and Private Estates

TUSC provides consultancy services on the various utilities issues that arise on large farming Estates, such as wayleave negotiation, diversions, new connections, and alternative solutions to connectivity problems; working with Estate owners and their Estate Managers. Recently completed projects include:

Client: Upton Estate

TUSC commenced providing consultancy services to the Estate in 2009, and has assisted with:
  • The diversion of two overhead lines and a voltage regulator;
  • A review of the electricity network across the Estate;
  • The connection of its business park;
  • New connections, new meter installations;
  • A review and organisation of the Estate’s Wayleave Agreements with Western Power Distribution;
  • A review of its telecoms/fibre network;
  • The organisation of a change from a private water supply within the Estate to the installation of a new mains supply adopted by Severn Trent Water.

Kent – Private Estate

Assistance with mobile operator approach for mast site and associated cables.

Oxfordshire – Private Estate

Wayleaves and Consents services including agreeing free undergrounding of high voltage electricity overhead line.

Inverloaden and Carrick Estates

Grid Connection works.


Consents work (negotiation of servitudes) for underground cable as part of Scottish Hydro Electricity Transmission works.