Our Services

Compliance Monitoring | Due Diligence | Consents and Paralegal Services | Project Remediation
Multi-Utility New Connections and Diversions | Regulatory

Over the past few years TUSC has primarily worked on data centres, large-scale mixed-use developments, and renewable energy developments.
Our experience, tied in with the relationship that TUSC has built up with various utilities companies, including Statutory Undertakers, means that we are able to obtain sound information and advise our clients quicker than our competitors.
We also specialise in providing resolutions and alternative methods to connections, which can both speed and lessen the costs of the works.

Compliance Monitoring

Acting as lead client adviser with regard to the delivery by the main contractor to mitigate issues that could arise resulting in delays and unnecessary delay notices being served on the client.

This includes:

Investigation and reporting of any inward payment of Asset Value (AV) and how this AV has been accounted for e.g. included in main contractor’s ‘offset’ costs, retained by ‘others’ (an industry ‘norm’)
Dealing with and problem solving associated challenges and anomalies as they arise e.g. typically, claims of non-responses from the utility providers
Providing ad hoc commentary and advice relating to supply and metering.

Due Diligence

The service provides the client with:

Utilities review covering existing and proposed requirements based on the client’s proposed development type
Identify any constraints which may make the site less viable and so make the proposed purchase less attractive
Undertake an preliminary costing exercise which may aid the client when negotiating the purchase price for the site.

Consents and Paralegal Services

We can assist our clients with obtaining:

Agreeing and drawing up of Heads of Terms
Negotiation of wayleaves, easements, lease renewals and freehold acquisitions
Route proving work

Project Remediation

It is not uncommon, for clients to find that a project is not progressing as they had hoped and in some cases has stalled completely.

 TUSC has been employed  on a number of occasions over the years on a variety of different schemes to assist the client with getting the project back on track.  To date TUSC has a 100% success rate and as a result many happy and relieved clients.  In such cases TUSC will:

Review the current situation and assess what needs to be done to resolve the issues, which includes providing a report to the client
Make recommendations to the client as to the best way forward
Upon authorisation to proceed commences remediation, working with all relevant parties

Multi-Utility New Connections and Diversions

TUSC provides specialist consultancy for both multi-utility new connections as well as multi-utility diversions and disconnections drawing on all aspects of our vast knowledge and experience.

Innovative solutions derived from ‘out of the box thinking’
Our many years of experience
Broad and high level contacts within the industry
Our up to date knowledge of industry standards, policy and consents
We strive to and do chieve what some may not think of at all, or consider unachievable/impossible and therefore not worth considering!


As a participant in regulatory consultations both as a stakeholder and independent consultee, of which some are events, workshops and panels that are by invitation only, we are able to have a platform to present the views and needs of its clients.

Such a platform enables us to:
Resolve issues at a high level
Propose new ideas for consideration
Present our views from our working experiences
Keep abreast and be at the forefront of new and proposed changes within the industry
To lobby and legitimately influence utility companies’ policies and procedures so as to benefit our clients’ project needs